Donate Money

Monetary donations can be made to ECHO, Inc. by check, Paypal account or credit card.

If your gift is in honor of, or in memory of someone, include the following information with your check, or in the “Add Special Instructions to the Seller” block on the Paypal site so that we can notify the person, or family of the person, you are honoring :

In Honor of  __________________
In Memory of _________________

Please notify (name)  _______________
At this address ____________________

To donate by check:

Please make the check payable to:  ECHO.

Checks may be mailed: ECHO, Inc.
7205 Old Keene Mill Road
Springfield, VA 22150

Please include your name and address so ECHO can send you a receipt for your contribution.

Donations using Paypal (Use either Credit Card or Paypal account):

Donors are able to add additional instructions/notes by clicking on “+ Write a note (Optional)” on the donation page on PayPal.  Notes are helpful to ECHO when they provide names when in memoriam, designating an event such as Stuff the Bus, or additional addresses for notification of donation. 

ECHO utilizes PayPal because PayPal is widely considered as a safe means to make credit card donations. Credit cards accepted by PayPal are VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. You do not need to have a PayPal account to donate via credit card.  If you have a PayPal account, you may use funds in your PayPal account to make a donation.  Please “share your shipping address” with ECHO so we can send you a receipt by mail.

United Way or Combined Federal Campaign

Donors may choose to donate by payroll deduction through either of these campaigns. ECHO is a United Way participant, number 8426, and a CFC participant No. 74224.  One hundred percent of these contributions are designated for client assistance.

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